We spent Christmas Eve with Lollipop and her Fam; she made clam chowder from scratch for dinner. RonnieRae and SweetChari-oh got princess capes and spent their evening twirling. The CivilWarPres got a BYU blankie. We had Christmas Day dinner at RynTinTin and the Highland Laddie's house - steaks and roast potatoes! Yum!
Here is the family picture I promised for Christmas. We took this on a 4-Wheeling trip up South Willow Canyon West of Tooele in September.
Hey, Princess SaraBoo, how do you make your pictures stay put? Mine just seem to clump at the top.
Hey, Lollipop, how about posting your recipe for clam chowder?
I made cranberry coleslaw (non-fat, lo sodium, no sugar) for a holiday party. Everybody liked it. I used my food processor to chop 1/2 head of cabbage (I used green but purple would be pretty) and about 1/2 C cranberries (not enough) and about 8 baby carrots (too many). I sprinkled the salad with lemon juice and about 5 packets of sweetener (fresh-squeezed limes woulda been nice). The dressing was 1 C non-fat plain yogurt and about 1/4 tsp lemon extract and 5 packets of sweetener. I gave it a dash of salt substitute and served it on the side. When I make coleslaw, pack the leftovers in 1 C containers and take it to work with me.
Tabouleh is also nice in the lunch box - It's yummy when made with chopped cranberries and green onions and fresh tomatoes and peperoncini slices and capers. Chopped apple or celery or cucumber or bell pepper, grated banana squash or carrots or zucchini are also yummy. The more lemon or lime juice I add, the less I crave salt. Cranberries freeze nicely in their original packages, and I use them through out the year. Try them in a nice 5-bean salad.
I love the Pictures!!!!!
Good to see you post! I've been slacking too, no worries.
When you get to the dialogue box to upload your photos, before you upload them, choose where you want them to align on the page horizontally. I always choose center. That way the picture is not subject to the text. Another thing I do is to type all my text first and THEN upload the pictures. They'll all load at the top of the page and then you can select them and drag them to where you want them. You can't always see where you want to drop them on the first "move" so sometimes it takes dropping it in several places to get down to the spot you want.
I also upload them "medium" size - unless I want people to be able to see the large version when they click on the image (like I did for the Christmas picture)
Hope that helps!
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