Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Other Blue Box

Since I was the only one on the Get Ready for Summer blog who was not losing weight, I decided to counterattack: Send chocolate to the enemy.

Check out this site for the world's best fudge and other delicious chocolatized delicacies. I know the owner personally - she's Copperton's best known chef. Her remodeled house could easily show up on the pages of Better Homes and Gardens, her kitchen is certified spotless by the health department, her family is sweet and precious, and she herself is the picture of Barbie-doll loveliness. When I grow up, I wanna be like her. And the guys in town are all secretly jealous of her husband because (to quote Gary) "He rides a motorcycle to work and flies helicopters all day, poor guy." Actually he is one of Copperton's military heroes after serving honorably and returning to our community unharmed. Now anytime a helicopter buzzes town, we just figure he's saying hi to his girls.

Really now, check out that site. Eat up. Happy Valentines Day.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Paint chips and painted walls

When I was young, mom would repaint the house every few years. It seemed she always picked a color that was actually white and just pretended to be another color. Like pinkish white or greenish white. You could hardly tell where you had been painting because whitish strokes on top of whitish walls still looked white.

Well, I thought I was choosing a very mild yellow for my bathroom. I was planning to paint the entire room yellow then add in some pink, violet and green accents. My 80 year old bathtub is that same color pink and I need to work around it since I am not quite ready to rip it out and completely remodel the bathroom.

Good grief! As you can see, the bathroom is now Neon Yield Sign yellow! The really funny thing is that it matches the paint chip exactly.

I am beginning to see why mom always chose white with the barest hint of color. I guess I am a color chicken, 'cause I just went to WalMart and bought a can of antique white. Tomorrow after work, I'll cover up the loud yellow. Might take several coats. Then maybe I will use a kitchen scratcher pad lightly dipped in paint to add in some mild accents of pink, lilac and green. And maybe some yellow.