Friday, January 16, 2009

Exurechy berstiod
These are "words" to provide verification that you are not a sciving computer trying to illegally post on a blog.
I think these cool words deserve a definition. They bring to my mind a very specific thing. Tell me what definition you come up with, and I will tell you mine. Happy wordsmithing.
I learned a new Spanish word this week: cremallera (pronounced cray-ma-yair-a). Any guesses on this one?


XO said...

Exurechy: When your ex-spouse makes you puke.

cremallera sounds like a pastry. Or maybe I'm just hungry and tired of eating healthy so I can lose weight and win the stupid competition...

Lynnell Fulkerson said...

I was thinking that the two words together (exurechy berstiod) could mean greenish yellow pus oozing from a gigantic pustule.
Cremallera is that fantistic little invention that holds clothes together - a zipper.
Maybe if you concentrate on an exurechy berstiod, you will lose your appetite and you really can't eat a cremallera anyway.
The word on my screen right now is ballych. That might be something picked up in the men's locker room.

XO said...


Laurel said...

I would have guessed a cremallera to be a know, where they make ice cream. Ice Cream. MMMMMmmmmm...