1. Daylight savings is in full swing. I went swimmin' wit' da wimmin and left the house at 0530. (That's 0430 to you sun-soaked Arizonans who don't practice the Holy Spring Forward Out of Bed Ritual on the 2nd Sunday of March every year.)
2. The day was gray, (or shall I say "Grey"?) even at 0530 - to the point that as we crested the rise coming down the hill from Copperton toward Salt Lake, the valley lights could not be seen splayed out before us - not even a faint glow.
3. I was late, so I'd grabbed a can of chicken and a can of soup and thrown it in my lunch box. (That turned out ironically funny later.)
4. I'd also grabbed my bag of dry clothes to change into, my favorite grocery tote with a brand new NCLEX study guide for a friend at work, and a little gift bag filled with gifts of love from a sister-in-law, a hand made rebozo, and a few dollar-gifts for my grandchildren. (Bummer here.)
5. I realized half way to the pool that I'd forgotten my cell phone. (That turned out good later.) But my Palm Pilot was merrily alarming me that I was late. (That was bad.)
6. The water was warm but the pool room was cold, and the showers were even colder. (Brrr - it started the shivering that didn't quit 'til hours later.)
7. We made it out of the locker room in good time - no rush to get to work. My push-button key actually worked to unlock my car from several paces away. (A lot of good it did to lock the car.)
8. Looking in the window, I saw there was glass all over the seat. As I stood staring uncomprehendingly at the mess, Ryn made me aware that it was because her window was broken out.
9. And my purse was not the
10. Did I mention it was snowing?
Well, after a 911 call and lots of other frantic calls (on Ryn's cell phone) to cancel credit cards and to call in late for work and to call for a warm ride to get Ryn to work, Gary and I went back to survey the damage.
That's when I realized they'd gotten my lunch box, my favorite shopping tote with the textbook, and the gift sack full of goodies. (Hope they enjoyed my lunch!)
We are counting it as a blessing because it was also in the back seat with the other items tucked under her lunch which was packed in a junkie used grocery bag. As you can see from the first picture, they rifled through the garbage sack in the front seat, so maybe they figured it was just another load of garbage.
Look on the bright side - Gary and I got to spend an extra day together (I called in sick for the whole day - still shivering uncontrollably) and we got all the banks and checks and credit cards and replacement driver's license stuff all done, ate out twice and went to a movie (don't bother going to see Watchmen.)
And finally, the day ended very happily. I'll let your imaginations run wild. I am blessed. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a very happy, happy March 9th!
1 comment:
That sounds aweful!!!
Ryn and I went swimming together during college and someone stole my cloths (pants and coat)from my locker. It was winter time, cold, and very early in the morning. It must be something about swimming in the winter.
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