Thursday, September 18, 2008

Painting the front porch steps

Paint the color of terra cotta milk chocolate. It looked like chocolate syrup druzzeling on the cement. I fixed the crumbling cement of the steps last week, so it was time to finish the job. There will soon be snow on my front porch steps. The weather is cooling down, the fall leaves grace the mountain sides, and I'd rather be 4-wheeling up Butterfield Canyon road. I am NOT looking forward to another winter like last year, when the snow drifts became so high that driving to town almost felt like a trip down an icy canal. Like drifting along a levee with ice sides instead of mud.


XO said...


You should invest in a winter home down here! ;) Oh, wait, that would be our house. tee hee.

Laurel said...

That sure paints a picture. Maybe I should let you in on the blogging essay contests...interested?