Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall Jewels

Gold and silver, amber, topaz, rubies, emeralds, peridot, diamonds, turquoise and sapphires.
We went 4-wheeling up American Fork Canyon yesterday - up past Timpanogos Cave and left toward Tibble Fork Reservoir. The afternoon sun shining through the leaves made them glow like jewels. Like a thousand little neon Christmas lights. The little lakes seen from high above on a trail were unbelievably vivid. I tried taking pictures, but they simply do not do justice to the memory. Timpanogos Peak seen from the north side still has glacial packs of snow on the rugged granite sides of the basin. The aspen trees below it were a carpet of Fall. It brings to mind the poem we used at my daddy's funeral services on the Mogollon Rim in Arizona in mid-September, 1992:

The wonder of the world
The beauty and the power
The shape of things
Their colors, lights and shades
These I saw.
Look ye also while life lasts.
(from an old gravestone)

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