Friday, September 19, 2008

magic berries

Grammie has learned not to hand to a grandchild any wild berries found growing along the trail. Even if I know what they are. However, I can take as many pictures as I please - nothing potentially poisonous there! Here are bright red rose hips, and something else that is a lovely fall orange. Finally, there is Laurel's future hometown of Monroe as seen from Monroe Mountain on the Piute Trail.


Laurel said...

There's nothing so wrong with picking "berries", so long as you don't give them a "magical" name. We like to call them "Wicked Poison Berries of a Thousand Deaths". Just kidding.

XO said...

I'm guessing there's a story behind that one...

Oh, I miss the fall leaves. But I'll take the mild winter and oogle over your pictures.