Monday, June 1, 2009

Here are my boys - Gary and Mikey - hot-doggin' on 4-WHEEee!-lers in the snow on the road to the Kennecott Copper Mine overlook, up Butterfield Canyon on May 31, 2009. In the middle of the patch, down to the right is a down-right SCARY crevasse in the road that spelled certain doom to the 2 female riders (Lynnell and Allyson), who preferred to trust in their original God-given mode of transportaion and walk across the mooshy patch of ice that skirted the crevasse.


Laurel said...

How fun for them...Me and my ladies will walk with you & Allyson. (I know, I know--"Your ladies are MEAN?")

XO said...

Eesh - yah, I'm a little too faint of heart for that one. Good call walking.